Millennials are the biggest generational group of homebuyers. If you want to be competitive and appeal to this group when selling your home, you must be sure to include features they are looking for. Below, we discuss several home renovations you may want to consider if you hope to appeal to this generation of buyers. 


Working from home is something many companies embrace. As such, a large portion of the population now works from home, at least on a part-time basis. For millennials, a home must contain a dedicated workspace complete with plenty of outlets and room for shelving. 

If your home contains a spare room, adding a few tweaks here and there to make the space feel like a home office is recommended. If no spare room is available, a nook or something similar in a kitchen that has good lighting works, too. The space doesn’t have to be large, just something an up-and-coming remote worker can picture themselves using daily. 


Millennials are all about the digital age, and as a result, they crave smart technology. From smart thermostats and keyless locks to smart doorbells and more, millennials appreciate the convenience and added security these smart options bring to a home. 

If you’re hoping your home appeals to the millennial generation, be ready to discuss your smart home features as well as the wi-fi carriers and signal strengths in your neighborhood. 


The younger generation has their smartphones with them all the time. As such, these devices need regular charging to keep up. Switching out some of the regular outlets in your home with USB outlets will be a huge plus with the millennial generation. 

Adding USB charging ports in bedrooms, living spaces, and in the kitchen is a great way to market to the millennial generation. 


A neutral color scheme is very popular among millennials. If you want to appeal to this group of buyers, consider giving the rooms in your home a fresh coat of paint in a palette of gray variations, white, and soft neutrals throughout. If your kitchen has cabinets in vibrant or dark hues, think about painting them a lighter, neutral color and switch out the hardware for a look most millennials will appreciate. 


If you want to hook younger buyers, having an outdoor living space where they can spend time entertaining family and friends is a must. Whether your yard is big or small, millennials will be able to see themselves hanging out in it around a fire pit in comfortable seating under some urban-chic lighting. Even if you’ve never used your yard like this before, it pays to stage a space like this in your backyard while selling your home. 

Since millennials make up a large portion of homebuyers, it makes sense to market to them as much as possible when selling your home. Add a few of these upgrades and/or renovations to your home to appeal to this generational group.

This article was originally posted here